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The Most Famous Brands and Company Logos #01

by Unknown , at 9:25 PM
The Most Famous Brands and Company Logos - Logo is a form of images or just sketch with a certain sense the meaning of a company, organization or product. A logo should also have the philosophy and basic framework of the concept with the goal that gave birth to the nature of stand-alone or independent.

Here are 10 logo of brands and company are frequently encountered and became famous around the world:

1. Volkswagen (VW)

The Most Famous Brands and Company LogosIn the 1930s, the Germans are not all afford to buy a car which at that time controlled by a number of luxury cars such as Mercedes Benz, BMW, and Audi. Therefore Nazi government under the leadership of Adolf Hitler established Volkswagen in 1937. In German, 'Volkswagen' means 'people's car', because the first production car is intended for people.

VW logo is simple but quickly recognized was designed by Franz Xaver Reimspiess of a competition.

2. McDonalds

The Most Famous Brands and Company Logos
McDonald's is the largest fast-food restaurant in the world, founded by two brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald on May 15, 1940 in San Bernardino, California, USA. In 1955, businessman Ray Kroc bought the rights to the restaurant and expanded to the entire world.

In some countries, McDonald's is considered as part of Americanization and American cultural imperialism.

3. Disney

Who is not familiar with Disney, or short for The Walt Disney Company, a company engaged in the animation industry. Founded by Walt Disney on October 16, 1923 which produced cartoons that aired on television. Mickey Mouse is a character who first created and also become the mascot of Walt Disney.

Walt Disney logo is a signature of the owner (Walt Disney) and used as a company logo. Logo design article on Walt Disney never changed from the first, there is the addition of a little in accordance with the development and needs.

4. adidas

The Most Famous Brands and Company Logos
Adidas is a trademark with a patent that is famous throughout the world. This famous brand was first invented by Adi (Adolf) Dassler who later shortened to from Adidas in the 1920s.

Adidas logo in three times on 1948 with the evolution of shoe design in the center and include the name of Adolf Dassler. In 1972, as amended Adidas logo broke up their partnership between Adolf Dassler (Adidas) and his brother Rudolf Dassler (founder of Puma), brings the spirit of the Olympic logo with three leaves strung depicting three continents.

And the last in 1996 until now undergoing modernization Adidas logo design by applying the concept of 'We knew then-we know now' with three beams which form the sloping ramp which can be described as strength, durability and future.

5. Recycling logo

The Most Famous Brands and Company Logos
Recycling logo is often encountered in several products that can be recycled such as plastic, paper, glass, metal, textiles and so on. There have been many companies that include Recycling logo on their products, it's based by our concern for the environment and the Earth in which we live.

Recycling logo is internationally accepted that created by Gary Dean Anderson in 1970, in a competition to commemorate Earth Day (Earth Day) the first.

The Most Famous Brands and Company Logos #01
The Most Famous Brands and Company Logos #01 - written by Unknown , published at 9:25 PM, categorized as Most Famous , Most Famous Paintings and Photography
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