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Most Famous Mathematicians in the World

by Angels Birt , at 5:08 AM
Most Famous Mathematicians in the World - Mathematics became an integral part of our lives, and we can not deny it. From the time we open our eyes in the morning, mathematics has been in contact with our lives. Here are some mathematicians figures that I think most affect his day and his work was also highly influential to this day.

7 Most Famous Mathematicians in the World

1. Thales (624-550 BC)

Most Famous Mathematicians in the World

The first mathematician who formulated the theorem or proposition, this tradition became more apparent after elaborated by Euclid.

2. Pythagoras (582-496 BC)

Most Famous Mathematicians in the World

Pythagoras was the first famous mathematician who coined the axioms, postulates that need to be spelled out in advance in developing geometry. Not the man who invented the Pythagorean theorem, but he managed to make mathematical proofs. Pythagoras found as irrational numbers.

3. Socrates (427-347 BC)

Most Famous Mathematicians in the World

Socrates adalah filsuf besar dari Yunani. Pencipta ajaran serba cita, karena itu filosofinya dinamakan idealisme. Ajarannya lahir karena pergaulannya dengan kaum sofis. Plato merupakan ahli pikir pertama yang menerima paham adanya alam bukan benda.

4. Ecluides (325-265 BC)

Most Famous Mathematicians in the World

Maybe his name is not known, but Ecluides referred to as the "Father of Geometry" because it found the number theory and geometry. The subjects covered are the forms, Pythagorean theorem, equations in algebra, circle, tangent, space geometry, theory of proportions and others. Ecluides finding tools such as ruler and the term that you used to use in school.

5. Archimedes (287-212 BC)

Most Famous Mathematicians in the World

You've studied physics certainly know this great man. Archimedes principle apply physics and mathematics. And also found the calculation of π (pi) to calculate the area of ​​a circle. He is the greatest mathematician of all times and in ancient times. Three works of Archimedes discuss plane geometry, ie the measurement cycle, the quadrature of the parabola and the spiral.

6. Appolonius (262-190 BC)

Most Famous Mathematicians in the World

Less well too. But the concept of the parabola, hyperbola, and ellipse many contribute to modern astronomy. He is a mathematician who specializes in geometry. Theorem Appolonius linking some elements of the triangle.

7. Diophantus (250-200 BC)

Most Famous Mathematicians in the World

Diophantus is the "Father of Algebra" for the Babylonians who developed the Babylonian algebra concepts. Great works of Diophantus form an arithmetic book, the first book written about algebra system. Preserved part of solving arithmetic Diophantus contains approximately 130 questions that produce first-rate equations.

Well, that's some most famous mathematicians in the world may add insight.
Angels Birt
Most Famous Mathematicians in the World - written by Angels Birt , published at 5:08 AM, categorized as Most Famous , Most Famous People
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