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Most Famous Dog in the World Got a Million Fans on Facebook

by Angels Birt , at 11:22 AM

Most Famous Dog in the World

Most Famous Dog in the World - BOO has millions of fans on Facebook and is busy promoting his first book. But Boo is not a movie star, not a singer, nor is it known novelist. Boo just a dog.

This tiny Pomeranian breed touted as the most popular dog in the virtual world after the collect as many as 1.79 million fans on Facebook fan page created by the owner. Fan page which was made two years ago was successfully added thousands of new fans every day.

Owner, JH Lee, Boo upload photos every day to meet the demand that Boo fans eager to see his idol activity today.

"My friend was pleased to see the photos Boo. Initially we created a fan page is just for fun and a joke, "said Lee told Time.

In addition to her small frame and a photogenic pose, Boo made ​​many irritated because the unique fur. Originally Boo fur on the body is very heavy, but Lee decided to cut it because it was too tangled. The result, Boo just have dense fur on his head and his body was covered with feathers cut short.

"Officers at the kennel said, they could not comb feathers matted Boo for all. I was disappointed when Boo should be cleared, but it turns out he just looks funny, "said Lee.

This is what causes Lee often put funny clothes on body weight Boo Boo to cover the 'bald'. Although half of his body bare, Boo still win the hearts of his fans, including famous celebrities, such as Ke $ ha and Khloe Kardashian.

As written by the Daily Mail, Thursday (22/9), Boo as his new girlfriend on Twitter.

Currently, Boo is busy promoting his book, Boo: The Life of the World's Cutest Dog. This book contains a collection of photographs of Boo every day, while playing with his friends, the streets, or just show off eye ala 'puppy eyes' which looks pitiful but cute.

Most Famous Dog in the World

Most Famous Dog in the World

Most Famous Dog in the World

Most Famous Dog in the World

Most Famous Dog in the World

Most Famous Dog in the World

Most Famous Dog in the World

Most Famous Dog in the World

Most Famous Dog in the World

Photo BOO the most famous dog in the world by Daily Mail
Angels Birt
Most Famous Dog in the World Got a Million Fans on Facebook - written by Angels Birt , published at 11:22 AM, categorized as Most Famous , Most Famous Animals
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