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Most Famous and Legendary Diamonds in the World

by Unknown , at 2:53 AM
Most Famous and Legendary Diamonds - Diamonds are very popular so it is often said "Diamonds are forever". Diamond is mostly known as a symbol of power, purity and Immortal love. The value of the diamond is determined by several factors: Carat, Color, shapes and purity.

Many types of diamonds became known as the most beautiful and has a history, as well as some famous people buy, use or sell it. Below presents the kind of legendary diamond the most expensive and valuable in the world.

Most Famous and Legendary Diamonds in the World

The Cullinan diamond

Most Famous and Legendary Diamonds in the World

The Cullinan diamond is the largest gem ever found, about 3106.75 carats, rough weight (621.35 g). Approximately 10.5 cm (4.1 inches) long in the largest dimension, was found January 26, 1905, at the Premier mine, near Pretoria, South Africa.
The largest polished gem from the stone is named Cullinan I or the Great Star of Africa, and at 530.4 carats (106.1 g) was the largest polished diamond in the world until 1985 before the discovery of the Golden Jubilee Diamond, 545.67 carats (109.13 g), also from the Premier Mine.

The Tiffany Yellow Diamond

Most Famous and Legendary Diamonds in the World

The Tiffany Yellow Diamond is one of the largest yellow diamonds ever found, its value is approximately 287.42 carats (57.484 g) when it was discovered in 1877 or 1878 in South Africa.
This diamond is cut into a form of 128.54 carats (25.108 g) with a pattern of traditional brilliant round to maximize brilliance.

The Hope Diamond

Most Famous and Legendary Diamonds in the World
The Hope Diamond, also known as "Le Bijou du Roi" ("Jewel King"), this diamond big enough around 45.52 carats (9.10 g), blue diamond, now housed in the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in Washington, DC.

This diamond is classified as a Type II-B diamond, and is famous because it is considered to have "curse", although the current owners think of it as a valuable asset with no reported problems related to it. This diamond has a long history with some of the gap where it changed hands a few times on the way from India to France to the UK and USA. It has been described as "the most famous diamonds in the world"

The Orlov

Most Famous and Legendary Diamonds in the World

The Orlov (sometimes spelled "Orloff") is a large diamond that is part of the collection of Diamond Fund - Moscow Kremlin. Originally described as having the shape and proportions of half a hen's egg, can be traced back to the 18th century Hindu temple Sri Ranganathaswamy in India, where diamonds never serve as chairman of the eyes of the gods. It is believed that the diamond was originally found in the Kollur Mine in Andhra Pradesh, India.

The Spoonmaker's Diamond/Topkapi Diamond

Most Famous and Legendary Diamonds in the World

The Spoonmaker's Diamond (Turkey) is a 86-carat diamond (17 grams). Shaped like a pear is regarded as the pride of the Imperial Treasury exhibition at the Museum of Topkapi Palace and the most valuable single exhibit. Diamond is considered the fourth largest of its kind in the world, diamond is still in a state of high security.

The Sancy

Most Famous and Legendary Diamonds in the World

The Sancy is a pale yellow diamond, 55.23 carats (11.05 grams), once thought to be possessed ancient Mogul, but more likely from India because of the unusual pieces by Western standards. Armored, shaped stone consists of two crowns back-to-back (typical upper stone).

The Darya-ye Noor

Most Famous and Legendary Diamonds in the World

Darya-ye Noor (which means "Sea of ​​Light" in Persian, also spelled Darya-i-Noor, Darya-e Noor, Daria-i-Noor and Darya-i-Nur) is one of the world's largest diamond piece, weighing estimated 182 carats (36 grams). Its color, pale pink, is one of the rarest to be found in diamonds. Darya-ye Noor is now deposited in the Treasury of National Jewels in Central Bank of Iran in Tehran.

The Koh-i-Noor

Most Famous and Legendary Diamonds in the World

Koh-i-Noor, (Persian, meaning "Mountain of Light" also written Kuh-e Nur, the Koh-i-Nur), is 105.6 metric carats, weighing 21.6 grams in a state of the latest cut, and once the time being the largest diamond of its kind. Koh-i Nur believed to have originated in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India along with its double, Darya-ye Noor ("Sea of ​​Light").
Diamond has belonged to many dyansties, including Kakatiyas, Rajput, Mughal, Afsharid dynasty, Durrani Empire, Sikh and British.

Most Famous and Legendary Diamonds in the World
Most Famous and Legendary Diamonds in the World - written by Unknown , published at 2:53 AM, categorized as Most Famous , Most Famous Diamonds
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